Discovering Anglicanism
This course is a journey of discovery. You will discover Anglicanism’s ancient roots and biblical foundations. You will also discover ways you can grow in your own spiritual life through this expression of faith and its rich heritage.
The material is straightforward and easily accessible to those who are new to Anglicanism. The material is also comprehensive and serves as a way for long-time Anglicans to brush-up and deepen their knowledge of their faith. This journey will inform the curious about Anglicanism, help pastors prepare newcomers for Confirmation, and equip instructors to articulate what makes Anglicanism unique and why we cherish it so much.
Freedom and Formation: A Scriptural Theology of Eucharistic Blessings
This course examines the scriptural justification for believers to expect the Eucharist to be a place where God will come and bless them with freedom and formation.
This course provides a biblical and exegetical framework for understanding the meaning of the Eucharist. Within Anglicanism and the larger Christian Church, there are at least four streams of emphasis which arise from this biblical basis. Based on the biblical foundation we establish, you can examine each stream and better understand your own position on the theological landscape.

Ed and Suzy Speare of Virginia write, “We brought another long-hair female dachshund into the family to be a buddy for Stella who came to us in July. We got Claire in September from a different breeder in another state than Stella, but they are the same kind of dog and get along famously. The play together, chase around our front yard area, sleep at night in separate cages, but nap together as “bunk buddies” during the day. Stella is the more athletic of the two, and Claire is more cuddly and likes to be held. We are enjoying them immensely. I have put in a PayPal donation to ATLAS in Thanksgiving for Claire and am attaching a few pictures of both of them. Wishing you a blessed Advent and Merry Christmas.”

Ed and Suzy Speare of Virginia write, “We are once again a household with a dog. We brought Stella home on July 1, 2017, from Wilmington, NC. She is a miniature, long-hair female dachshund, Shaded Cream in color. She is a feisty little thing and is a change from our last dog, but we are adapting to each other as time goes on. In honor of her coming “home”, I am mailing a donation to Atlas in her name today. We are definitely using the pet prayer book with her!”
William Bubbers remembers his sister Betty Jean Zenkovsky with love. She was a woman of great intellect and wonderful musical talent. She passed peacefully into heaven in January 2015. William gave a donation for a keyboard for the Celebration Anglican Fellowship in her honor. 

Ed and Suzy Speare of Virginia write, “Phoebe was a local dog born on February 13, 2001. She came to be with us in June of that year and lived to be almost 16, passing in November of 2016. We had an older male dachshund who was not too spry until Phoebe came to stay and right away he perked up and enjoyed chasing her around and playing tag in the house. Phoebe considered him her “Unkie Ace” and followed him everywhere. Phoebe had a couple of odd characteristics for a miniature dachshund, but not totally unheard of. Her ears had extra cartilage in them and tended to stick up and were not long and floppy. She also had a shorter tail than the norm. She liked to play, but also liked to be still and sit with anyone who would hold her. She was good with kids and other dogs, except Schnauzers which she disliked intensely for some reason. She liked to play tug of war with a rope toy, but at 2 and 1/2 years that kind of play caused severe disc problems in her neck. She had to have one removed and another channeled to relieve pressure on her spinal cord which had caused her to be temporarily paralyzed. She recovered completely, but in her older years had severe back problems and became lame in the hind legs. Her condition got worse as she passed her 14th and 15th birthdays and just a few months shy of her 16th birthday had to be put down when her internal organs began to fail. Friends came with us to the vets to say goodbye and were a comfort to us. We were able to use the little pet prayer book you wrote all along with her and even at the end. Suzy has had dachshunds all of her life and she said by far Phoebe was the best one of all of them, so when it came time for us to have a dog again, we opted for a longhair and different coloring so as not to compare a new dog to the best one ever.”