ATLAS’ First Milestone Celebration Meeting

On Pentecost Sunday, May 20th 2018, ATLAS celebrated our first six years together as a hybrid church/seminary.  Students from our local CCS course, members of our Sunday Worship Community, and other ATLAS Partners gathered together for praise music, Certificate Awards, Prayer, and Visioning for the future.  We bless the Lord for where we have been, where we are, and where we are going!

Categories: ATLAS Special Events

Testimonies about the Importance of our Hermeneutics Course

MDiv students from around the world, including China and Korea, study either online from home or by relocating to the US for a few years.  These videos are samples of their own self-descriptions and comments about the importance of learning Hermeneutics – the methods for proper biblical interpretation.  They share their salvation stories, their hopes, and their visions for ministry.