Celebration Anglican Fellowship (CAFe)
“God is cultivating a community of faith like a fruitful orchard.”
CAFe is a safe place to where you can inquire, heal, grow, serve, and worship together with us.
Celebration, FL, is a beautiful town located south of the Disney
area of Orlando. Established in 1994, churches have been encouraged to be an integral part of the town’s life. During Celebration’s first 20 years, 5 churches were founded. They are wonderful and lively – Presbyterian, Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, and two non-denominational congregations.
There remained a spot in the larger Christian picture for a liturgical Protestant and Spirit-filled academically-focused fellowship. All of the other pastors in the area have been very welcoming and encouraging to the ATLAS vision here in town. The first year of ATLAS Eucharistic services was 2014, and we met twice a month on Thursday evenings in the building of the Celebration Community Church. In 2015, we made the move to 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings at the Bohemian Hotel conference room. Our church group is designed according to the model of a Seminary Chapel service, and includes Anglicans, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists, other church backgrounds, and those without any particular church background.
Join Celebration Anglican Fellowship (CAFe) for Eucharist Services, Rite II, at 10:30am on 1st and 3rd Sundays!