A non-geographic community of disciples encouraging one another to discover a lifestyle to
deepen one’s love for Christ,
demonstrate the love of Christ, and
draw others to Christ.
Listen to an example of the teaching from our Annual Gathering.
The Order of St. Barnabas (OStB) gathers once a year in Central Florida. The rest of the activities are tailored to fit your own unique Rule of Life. Our purpose is to encourage one-another to grow into the fullest expression of yourself which God originally intended when He designed and created you. The marvelous and mysterious paradox is that as you become more Christlike, you also become more “you-“like. OStB outfits you for your spiritual journey in ways including a Handbook for your Rule of Life, Principles and Practices which have proven fruitful for generations of Christians, and an encouraging fellowship of fellow-pilgrims.
Click HERE to read more about OStB in our current Flyer. Download it and distribute it to others who are interested in beginning a local OStB chapter!
Click HERE to learn more about one of our charter members, and click HERE to read a valuable resource which he wrote for us. It will encourage you and equip you as you begin your spiritual journey with the Order of St. Barnabas. Watch this website for further resources in the future.
Click HERE to Register via our EventBrite page for our next Gathering in Central Florida.
Click HERE to view one of the Bible Studies recommended for OStB Members, about being empowered by the Holy Spirit.